Everything you need to know about Ruby Gemstone
Rubies have the potential to fetch the highest price per carat of any coloured gemstone. As a result, ruby gemstones are considered one of the most valuable gems on the market for coloured stones.

However, the mineral corundum is nearly colourless in its most unadulterated state. Variations in a mineral's colour are caused by trace elements incorporated into the mineral's crystal structure.
Therefore, there is a possibility that the gems marketed as "Serengeti Rubies," "River Rubies," and "Cape Rubies" do not contain any genuine rubies.
The mineral species known as corundum also includes sapphire and the variety of the mineral known as ruby. Ruby gemstone is a precious gem that commands a high price despite its relatively small size.
It is one of the most significant jewels on the market for coloured stones. The mineral corundum is nearly colourless in its most unadulterated state. Variations in a mineral's colour are caused by trace elements incorporated into the mineral's crystal structure.
For example, the trace element chromium is responsible for the red colour of ruby, which can range from an orangey red to a purplish red. The amount of chromium in ruby gems determines how intensely red they will be; the more chromium there is, the more vibrant the red will be.
Fluorescence can also be caused by chromium, which contributes to the overall intensity of the colour red. Due to the low iron concentration of marble, gemologists refer to rubies that originate in marble as being "marble-hosted."

These rubies do not contain any iron. As a consequence, the colour of many is a pretty vibrant red. Furthermore, rubies found in marble generally emit a red fluorescence when exposed to ultraviolet light, including the ultraviolet radiation in the sunshine.
Therefore, the value of ruby gems can significantly go up, and their colour can become much more brilliant if it fluoresces. Rubies have been discovered in basalt rocks in other parts of the world.
Rubies that come from these sources may have a higher iron content than other rubies, which might cause the colour of the rubies to be less vibrant and more profound.
A higher iron level in the chemical makeup of ruby gems can also obscure the red fluorescence, which removes that extra shine of red hue found in rubies hosted in marble.
Absorption Spectrum | Colours | Enhancements |
An unusual spectrum with a potentially reversible and fluorescent red doublet at 6942/6928. The 6680 and 6592 lines are weaker than the rest of the graph. Broad visibility in the yellow, green, and violet spectrum. Lines 4765, 4750, and 4685 were also spotted. To detect chromium in corundum, a reversible fluorescent doublet is used. These lines can be seen in any sapphire, not just blue ones, because even mauve and purple ones contain some Cr. | All varieties of red, from pinkish, purplish, orangey, and brownish, to dark red | Heat-treated (common), fracture-filled (occasional), lattice diffusion. |
Birefringence | Birthstone | Cleavage |
0.008-0.009 | July | None |
Crystallography | Dispersion | Etymology |
Hexagonal (trigonal) | 0.018 | From the Latin "ruber" for red. |
Formula/ Chemical | Fracture | Fracture Lustre |
Al2O3 + Cr | Conchoidal | Vitreous |
Hardness/ Mohs Hardness | Heat Sensitivity | Luminescence Present |
9 | No | Yes |
Inclusions | Luminescence | Flame Fusion |
Natural rubies: silk, rutile needles, usually crossing at a 60-degree angle. Zircon crystals with a halo of dark fractures, fingerprints, hexagonal growth lines, and colour zoning. | Myanmar stones fluoresce intensely, red, in SW, LW, and X-rays. Red fluorescence is, however, not diagnostic of the country of origin or natural origin. Thai ruby fluoresces weak red in LW, weak or none in SW. Sri Lankan ruby fluoresces strong orange-red in LW and pink (moderate) in SW. | Very strong in LW, orange/red, moderate to strong in SW, orange/red. Flux Grown: strong in LW, orange/red, moderate to strong in SW, orange/red. (May have blue over-tint) |
Luminescence Type | Lustre | Mineral |
Fluorescent, UV-Long, UV-Short, X-ray Colours | Vitreous to adamantine | Corundum |
Occurrence | Optics | Pleochroism |
Metamorphosed crystalline limestones and dolomites, as well as other metamorphic rock types such as gneiss and schist. Also, igneous rocks such as granite and nepheline syenite. | RI: o = 1.757-1.770; e = 1.765-1.779 (usually 1.760, 1.768); Uniaxial (-) | Strong: purplish red/orangey red. (Trace minerals can dampen this effect). |
Optic Sign | Phenomena | Polish Lustre |
Uniaxial - | Asterism | Vitreous to subadamantine |
Refractive Index | Special Care Instructions | Specific Gravity |
1.757-1.779 | None | 3.99-4.1, usually near 4. |
Transparency | Typical Treatments | Varieties |
Transparent to opaque | Fracture/Cavity Filling, Heat Treatment, Infusion/Impregnation, Lattice Diffusion | Flux-Grown Ruby, Geneva Ruby, Star Ruby, Verneuil Ruby |
Wearability | ||
Excellent |
Ruby gemstones are colourful stones that have had the highest significance throughout history. In the Bible, rubies are referenced on four separate occasions, each connected to a virtue such as beauty or intelligence.
Ruby is known as ''Ratnaraj,'' which translates to "king of precious stones" in the ancient Indian language of Sanskrit. In the first century after Christ, the Roman scholar Pliny wrote about rubies in his book Natural History. He discussed how difficult they were to cut and how dense they were.

The ancient Hindus thought that rebirth in the position of the emperor would be granted to individuals who presented exquisite rubies to the god Krishna. Therefore, the Hindu religion split ruby gemstones into four different castes; a Brahmin was considered to be a genuine Oriental ruby.
It was believed that the owner of a Brahmin had the advantage of complete safety for himself and their loved ones. Various tales and myths about ruby gemstones have been passed down over the years.
The people of India believed that those who owned rubies could coexist peacefully with their adversaries. Warriors of Burma, now known as Myanmar, were said to be unbeatable in combat if they held rubies since Burma has been a source of rubies since at least 600 AD.

However, more than simply donning the rubies was needed to solve the problem. They had to put them into their flesh to make them a permanent part of their bodies.
Stone Sizes
- Cathedrale St. Guy in Prague has a total of 250 carats.
- Narodni Museum (Prague): 27.11 carats (Mynamar).
- The American Museum of Natural History in New York has a total of one hundred carats (de Long star ruby).
- A ruby crystal weighing 690 grammes is on display at the British Museum of Natural History in London (Myanmar).
- A 138.7-carat Rosser Reeves star ruby crystal (red, Sri Lanka); a 50.3-carat (violet-red star ruby, Sri Lanka); and a 33.8-carat (red star, Sri Lanka).
- Los Angeles County Museum (Los Angeles): Myanmar crystal, 196.1 carats.
- The Iranian Crown Jewels include a magnificent buckle that is made up of 84 Myanmar ruby cabs that range in size up to 11 carats.

Stone Care
When it comes to the hardness of natural jewels, only diamond is harder than corundum. In addition, it does not have any cleavage. Because of its composition and characteristics, ruby stone is an excellent choice for jewellery.
There is no requirement for any particular wear or care precautions to be taken about rubies that are reasonably free of inclusions or fractures. To safely clean such stones, you can use a mechanical system provided that you follow the recommendations provided by the manufacturer.

On the other hand, extensively integrated or fragmented rubies are less durable than uncomplicated varieties. Hand-washing with warm, soapy water and a gentle bristle brush is the recommended method for cleaning these.
Anyolite: What Exactly Is It?
Anyolite is a lapidary rock material composed of chrome-rich green zoisite, black hornblende, and many opaque ruby stones. The name ruby-in-zoisite or ruby zoisite also knows it.
Who Is Ruby Lore?
Rubies are among the few other gems surrounded by as much folklore, legend, and romance as they do. Over the centuries, many cultures have developed a symbolic association between them and riches and power. In addition, they were said to offer their fortunate owners protection against misfortune and illness, which was one of the primary draws to purchasing one of these items.
What Is This Thing Called Ruby Fluorescence?
Rubies emit a fluorescent glow when exposed to either longwave or shortwave UV light. In many cases, gemologists can also use this feature to determine where a stone originated. The fluorescence of Myanmar rubies is frequently so intense that it is possible to detect it even in natural light. As a result, they give off the impression of literally radiating light, and connoisseurs hold high regard for them.
What Are the Various Brand Names for Ruby Stones.
It is only sometimes possible to recognise rubies based just on their colour.
- African: typically an orange-red colouration
- Beef Blood is a shade that is slightly darker than pigeon blood.
- Burma or Oriental: a red to slightly purple red that is moderately dark in tone and has intense saturation (also known as "pigeon's blood red").
- Rubies from Ceylon or Sri Lanka are typically more bright and have a paler colouration than those from Myanmar or Thailand.
- French or Cherry: a shade that is not quite as dark as pigeon blood.
- Thai and Siamese people have a complexion that ranges from deep red to brownish or purplish red.
Why Is It Called a Star Ruby?
Many people use the word "star ruby" to refer to translucent red corundum that is either too pale or too purple to be correctly called ruby. However, the name "star ruby" can also apply to rubies with asterism. During the 1950s, synthetic star corundum sold under the trade name "Linde Stars" was at the height of its popularity.